武汉青年就业支持项目,第六、七期生活技能培训圆满落幕!Skills Can Change Youth’s Life
2021-09-28 09:36:56





After the pandemic, the population mobility between urban and rural areas and within cities in Wuhan have become increasingly frequent. The youth with different education backgrounds and professions are striving for a better life. Young people around Wuhan choose to move to cities for better opportunities and higher living standard. The employment demands of the migrant population is getting stronger as most of them giving top priority to employment in pursuit of subsistence and self-worth. The employment problem is related to the long-term plan of young migrant population as well as self-growth. The Wuhan Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship Support Project can meet part of their needs in terms of how to reasonably guide this group of people to a better life in the city.


HSBC has funded the Sichuan Haihui Poverty Alleviation Service Center to launch the Youth Employment Support Project, hoping to improve the comprehensive employment ability of Wuhan migrant youth through vocational and life skills training in Wuhan, and help them find decent jobs in the city and adapt to the challenges of urban life.


Life skills training of Wuhan Zhuolan Flower Art Public Welfare Training Course.


A photo of the life skills training completion ceremony of the beauty and hairdressing public welfare training course of Wuhan Zuiai Vocational Training School.


Sichuan Haihui Poverty Alleviation Service Center has held 2 life skill training sessions during September 11-12 and 17-18 in 2021. From February 2021 to the end of September 2021 this project provided vocational and life skills training for 222 people, of which 219 people successfully completed the life skills training and received vocational skills training grants.




During the training, the instructor covered self-exploration, time-management, job-market, new identity, labour relation, labour rights and interests, emotion management, wealth management, knowledge of starting a business and so on, to help trainees to adapt to new working and living environment as soon as possible and to make sure that they can fit in while acquiring vocational skills. Participating teaching method makes trainees enthusiastic, improving the understanding in both life and career recognition, which also help them become more competitive.


According to the late follow-up of recent projects, we find out that some of the trainees have already entered the workplace and started new adventures. We believe that young people are full of potential and hope that they can acquire a deep understanding of career and life through the training. We will also carry out pre-job training, career experience, internship and employment tracking in the later stage to provide all-round job practice, hoping that our trainee can embark on their own wonderful career paths after graduation.


Our graduates

学员冯峰顺利就业 Feng Feng

学员陈豪顺利就业 Chen Hao

学员孙琦顺利就业 Sun Qi

学员喻益英顺利就业 Yu Ying

学员张涛顺利就业 Zhang Tao

学员艾龙望顺利就业 Ai Long

学员高超顺利就业 Gao Chao


