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2021-06-11 13:28:30

关爱乡村社区困境儿童,助力儿童健康成长Rural children in difficulty,take care of children in difficulty in rural communities and help children grow up healthily.


The project enhances the communication and understanding between children in difficulties, family members, and friends living together by providing monthly living expenses, encouraging children to regularly participate in summer camp, having conversations with social workers, partners, and psychological counseling volunteers, and carrying out family activities and positive trainings and guidance.


In Qingshen County, Meishan City, Sichuan Province, Haihui’s project supported 40 children in difficulty. Through financial subsidies, community activities and a series of capacity building trainings given by social worker volunteers, the project explored the mode of providing long-term growth and mental support for children in difficulty through the network of local volunteers and neighbors in the community. Even after the closure of the project, local volunteers and neighbors still have the will and capability to continue to serve these children.


Xiao Yan (alias) is a lost dependence child in Huangyingling Villige, Gaotai Town, Qingshen County. Her parents divorced years ago, and then her mother cut off the contact with this family, leaving her in her grandmother hand completely. Because of health issues, her father has been doing some light manual work in a restaurant nearby the county, earning an income barely meets the basic expenditure of the household. Xiao Yan is 9 years old now, and she is helping her family with a lot of farm work. Due to her parents’ divorce, Xiao Yan is very introverted, with very few friends and social contacts in the village and at school. She grows up lonelily and lacks accompany. In 2019, the first phase of Haihui’s lost dependence children program was launched, and Xiao Yan became one the first batch of children to receive a grant of 300 RMB per month. The monthly living allowance has brought some relief to the family’s financial situation, which also relieved Xiao Yan’s grandmother’s burden to some extent.


The project recruited a volunteer family with children of a similar age to Xiao Yan. They would visit her once a month to catch up. Each time, the volunteer’s daughter would bring some gifts to Xiao Yan, and play some games with her. Caring and love is like a beam of light, and the two little girls gradually became friends. The volunteers warmed Xiao Yan’s heart with their kind deeds. The project is bringing the beam of light to the lives and the hearts of the lost dependence children as they grow up, and also happiness and vitality to them.